
Explaining Wirepas 5G mesh in very, very down to earth way.


Campaign Creative / Storytelling / Product Messaging / Creative Direction / Film Direction / Film Production / Photography 





Wirepas approached MacWell to help launch their new product, Wirepas 5G Mesh. Our brief was to explain the product and its benefits through their iconic character, “Mom”.

Mom has previously spent her harsh winters in Tampere Finland with her boys. But come summer, Mom heads out to her traditional “Mökki”, or Summer cabin to relish in the simplicity of Finnish Nature. Together with our good friends at Make Films we created a series of 6 videos, all Straight Outta Summer Cabin.
The series has three product videos: Reliability, Massive and Affordability. The story is told through the point of view of a visitor to the cottage, whom Mom welcomes by explaining the "world's best IoT".

Using metaphors like blueberries and fishing nets she explains the functionality of Wirepas 5G Mesh in a very, very down to earth way.
IoT products can be complex, and explanations are often drowned in jargon and abstraction.

Our mission was to create videos where the benefits of the technology are are clearly defined and described in an understandable way, without losing the humor and style established in previous videos.
To complement the product videos, we created three technical videos: Co-existance, Spectrum and Multihop. Here the floor is given to Wirepas employees, who expand on Mom's radical simplifications in technical detail.
No matter how skilled the narrator is, IoT remains a complex topic. To illustrate the technological concepts we created beautiful infographic animations and sound design that make them even more understandable.

Let's work


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